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Stace Anaesthetists

Dr Timothy Hall

Tim is a specialist anaesthetist who joined Stace Anaesthetists in 2024. He attended medical school in Adelaide prior to completing specialist anaesthesia training in South Australia and the Northern Territory.  He undertook anaesthesia fellowships in neurosurgery and also upper gastrointestinal, bariatric and hepatobiliary  surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Tim works as a staff specialist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and is experienced in providing anaesthesia for a range of surgical sub-specialties. He is committed to the provision of high quality care tailored to each individual patient.

Professional Interests

Anaesthesia for Neurosurgery

Anaesthesia for Orthopaedic, Spinal, and Trauma Surgery

Anaesthesia for General, Urological and Gynaecological Surgery

Ultrasound-guided Regional Anaesthesia Techniques

Anaesthesia education and mentorship

Training & Experience

Fellowships in Anaesthesia for Neurosurgery and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery

Specialist Anaesthetist Training - South Australia and Northern Territory

Internship and residency, Royal Adelaide Hospital, 2016-2018


Staff Specialist at Royal Adelaide Hospital 

Provisional Associate Anaesthetist with Stace Anaesthetists, 2024- current

Visiting rights to private hospitals in Adelaide